It's Your Birthday, Sweet Girl!

Four years ago, you were brought into the big, bright, noisy, world that is Haiti. I imagine your brother was beside himself with excitement and I know that the two of you have an unbreakable bond. Four years ago we had no idea you even existed. All we had were hopes of being parents one day. Little did we know that a beautiful baby girl was entering the world on October 6th, 2013 and we would one day call her our daughter. What a gift you are to everyone who knows you and to everyone you have yet to meet. You are brilliant, quirky, a complete goofball and you absolutely love to dance; music moves you. You have a perfect smile and a contagious laugh but your quiet whispers when you're hungry, tired, or shy speak to another timid and uncertain side. There are so many things we have yet to learn and discover, together, as a family. But today, THIS DAY, we celebrate your precious life and the joys of getting to know all that is YOU.

And soon....very soon...we will all share the same name, live under the same roof and celebrate each and every day, together. Happy Birthday, Baby Girl. We love you more than you could ever imagine.


  1. Isla is just a few months younger than Danny! If you’re in San Diego look the Rogers up!


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