Breh and Joo
One of the most unexpected things that I grew to love about
rural Haiti is the symphony of animals that wake you each morning. Roosters,
donkeys, cows, goats, and chickens are up with the sun. It brought a smile to
my face each and every morning, which says a lot, being that it was about 5
a.m. Haiti time (meaning 4 a.m. Colorado time). I think that qualifies as the
best alarm clock I’ve ever had!
Day 2 was a Friday which meant the kids started to show up
early for school, around 7am. Some walk for miles down rocky and/or muddy roads
while others hitch a ride with mom or dad and their 4 other siblings on the
family motorcycle. It really is a sight to see all these little ones being
hoisted off the motorcycle in their adorably checkered, impeccably ironed
school uniforms and their ruffled little white lace socks--at least for the
girls. After spending a good 30 minutes greeting all these cute kiddos, we
headed to yet another feast. Breakfast consisted of a ham, veggie and egg
scramble, bread with Mamba Piman (spicy peanut butter) and gelee, mango, and fig
banan (bananas). Just so you know, the spicy Haitian peanut butter is pretty much
the greatest thing ever. Add it to a list of things you should try.

We learned that Haitians say their last name and followed by their first name
(prenom and nom) making it extra challenging to figure out what to call them. Thankfully, writing it down did the trick! I, too had to write my name
down. The looks on their faces when they would try to repeat “Bri”. It was more
like, “Breh???”—noses all wrinkled up, head tilted to the side, as if to ask if I really consider that a name! “Brianne”
was much more well received. “Wi, Breyon” was followed by big smiles with fewer
wrinkled noses and questioning looks. “Drew” was also a hard one. Mostly it
came out as “Joe” or “Joue” and half the time he didn’t hear people calling him because
it sounded like….well, like “Joe!”
The girls would touch my skin, or pinch it, tickle my foot,
touch my red nail polish and giggle. They would gently rub their fingers on my
ankle and say “tre bel” (very pretty). And then they discovered my hair…both
mine and my friend Jackie’s. We were swarmed with girls, touching, petting and
pulling our hair in different directions. We were foreign and different and we
weren’t afraid to let them see us and feel us and discover the “blan”, as we’re
called. We’re not the only Americans that come to St. Paul’s School. In fact,
they are far more used to seeing “blans” now than they were 5 years ago. What
I loved is that we were all learning together in those moments: learning how we
were different, how we were the same, and how joy flooded the room by being in
each other’s presence, being unafraid of connecting.
Drew did his best to talk with the boys, practicing his Kreyol
and because they are so anxious to learn English, they were thrilled to have
him teach and coach them. They would ask for our phone numbers so they could
write it on the board, next to the “I love Brianne” or “I love Jackie”. It was
beyond humbling to be so adored by these incredibly brilliant, talented and
motivated kids. I wonder if they’ll ever know just how much we adore them, too?
They have planted a richly, deep love for Haiti in my heart and they don’t even
know it.
After a short recess, we were on to the 6th grade
class which was much smaller (about 12-15 students). They took a lot longer to warm up to us (I think they may have been too cool) but they certainly did some
incredible drawings. The boys loved to draw colorful faces and the girls drew
beautifully intricate flowers. They also loved on my hair and my white skin.

After a few other important meetings, we were headed “downtown”
to the city of Petit Trou for a cold beer. Drew and I were surprised to
discover the Haitian beer called Prestige, and even more surprising is that I
drank it! I don’t know if it was because I actually liked the way it tasted (very
light…kinda like mineral water) or if it was just too dang hard to pass up a
cold drink. We waited out a standard afternoon downpour on the tin roof of
Freche Nip, drowned out by the blaring Haitian dance music. We eventually got
them to turn it down so we could talk (hey, we were the ONLY people in there) and soon headed back to
campus for dinner.

And then…time for showers and bed.
**I realized on Day 2 what an incredible opportunity this
trip was. Not only were we expanding our knowledge of Haiti, learning about the
culture, practicing Kreyol, making friends with locals in Petit Trou…We were
also being given such incredible insight into the beauty that is Haiti. The
beauty that you may never see in the bustling madness of Port au Prince. We can
share pictures with our kids from this trip and perhaps it will be the start of
a deep connection to them, seeing us with our friends in Haiti. We can honestly
say that we’ll ABSOLUTELY be back to visit. Yes, it’s impossible to avoid the
chaos of the city, but we can bring our kids out to the country and let them
experience their true roots…the calm, quiet, overwhelming beauty and sense of
community, pride, strength and hope of the people. We are honored to be a part
of their discovery and blessed to have realized just how special this country,
the people and this trip really were. Unforgettable.
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